Records: FBI Knew American-born Muslim Cleric Provided Sept. 11 Hijackers Airline Tickets

Steve Neavling  At least three of the hijackers on Sept. 11, 2011, received advance airline tickets from an American-born Muslim cleric killed in 2011 by a U.S. drone strike in Yemen, Fox News reports, citing newly released FBI records. The cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, likely purchased the tickets within days of the terrorist attacks, likely…

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Alabama Releases Over-the-Top Instructional Video on Mass Shootings

Steve Neavling The Alabama Department of Homeland Security released an unusual instructional video on how respond to a mass shooting, Gawker reports. With haunting music and blood spatter, the six-minute video “scares the shit out of everyone who watches it,” Gawker reported. The video, produced originally by the Houston Police Department, depicts an office…

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Investors Business Daily: AG Eric Holder Smears Bankers with Scant Evidence

Investors Business Daily Opinion In an end-of-year press release — posted under the banner headline “Accomplishments Under the Leadership of Attorney General Eric Holder” — the Justice Department boasts of charging “nearly 3,000” bankers with lending discrimination and fraud. If all of them were guilty, this would be quite an accomplishment. Few would argue that…

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